Main SDG

Additional SDGs

AgriFriend is a social start-up for the professional development of farmers in developing countries. AgriFriend solves the difficult problem of lack of access to agricultural professional knowledge, the cause of low productivity and one of the main reasons for the agricultural crisis in developing countries. Thanks to our technology, we manage to teach the users everything they need, from beginning to end, in an innovative and unique way. Our value and uniqueness are reflected in that we collect all the information available on the farmer’s type of crop, analyze it, and it accessible and simplify it so that it meets the exact needs of the farmer. In addition, we develop new tools in order to solve the challenges and difficulties of the farmers for which there is no current solution. AgriFriend makes traditional agriculture smart, at the push of a button.
City: תל אביב
What is being Measured?
2.3.1 Output per production unit (employee in the agricultural sector) by classification of farms/animal products/forest-based plant food and by demographic (children, women, ethnic).
2.3.2 The average income of small-scale food producers, by sex and belonging to the indigenous population.
2.4.1 Rate in percentage of the agricultural area in productive and sustainable agriculture.
1.5.2 Direct economic loss attributed to disasters, in relation to the gross domestic product (GDP)
The dollar value of financial and technical aid (including through North-South, South-South and tripartite cooperation – donor countries, recipient countries and international organizations, according to World Bank definitions) committed to developing countries.
17.7.1 The total amount of funding approved for developing countries to promote the development, transfer, distribution and implementation of environmental technologies.