Count Me
Main SDG

Additional SDGs

Count-me promotes a ride-sharing future, reducing the economicand environmental effects caused by traffic overload.Count-me’s mobile ride-sharing-monitor is the first reliable SaaS offering that gives an accurate,real-time account of the number of passengers driving together on HOV lanes.
How can you support this initiative?
Investment and financial support
Connections and networking
City: All of Israel
What is being Measured?
9.1.1 - Measured as the total amount of riders using Count Me as part of their transportation. Reported annually by type of transport and the number of passengers in the vehicle.
9.4.1 - Measured as the carbon footprint per rider. Measured annually as the total change in route, calculated as the change in kilometers, converted into CO2e, and in comparison to other forms of transportation.
11.6.2 - Measured as the change in annual mean fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted) emitted as a result of using cars.